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What to Do If Your Dog Has Heat Stroke?
What to Do If You Suspect Your Dog Has Heat Stroke?

What to Do If Your Dog Has Heat Stroke?

When their temperature gets too high, they can have a heat stroke. If your dog is overweight, short-nosed (brachycephalic), elderly, has a thick coat.

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Winter, Fleas & Pets
Winter, Fleas & Pets

Winter, Fleas & Pets

It's less likely for a pet to get fleas in winter, because as the temperature cools, the flea may die or go into a state of hibernation.

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My Dog Is Too Energetic & Out of Control
My Dog Has Too Much Energy and Is Out of Control

My Dog Is Too Energetic & Out of Control

Is your dog so full of energy that you don't know what to do to tire him out? Is he constantly “on guard” and ready to jump around?

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Why Should You Trim Your Pet's Nails?
Why is it So Important to Trim Your Pet's Claws?

Why Should You Trim Your Pet's Nails?

Your pet uses its claws for traction, but also for its own protection. No longer living in the wild, they don't wear their claws as naturally as they would in nature.

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Bad Breath in Your Pets is Not "Normal"
Why Bad Breath in Your Pets is Not “Normal”

Bad Breath in Your Pets is Not "Normal"

Many people think it’s normal for your pet’s breath to smell, and just boil it down to normal “doggy breath.”

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What Do I Need To Know About Worms?
What Do I Need To Know About Worms?

What Do I Need To Know About Worms?

Worms are the common name for internal parasites. Internal parasites are organisms that live within an animal and rob it of food or blood.

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Water Dangers for Your Dog
Water Dangers for Your Dog

Water Dangers for Your Dog

Does your dog love to swim? I know mine does! And as the weather gets warmer, it’s only gets harder to keep them out of the water.

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Treadmill for Dogs: Good or Bad Idea?
Treadmill for Dogs: Good or Bad Idea?

Treadmill for Dogs: Good or Bad Idea?

Lack of sufficient aerobic exercise is a major contributor to the rising pet obesity trend and the serious debilitating diseases that go along with it.

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3 Signs your Pet Needs Dental Attention
Top 3 Signs your Pet Needs Dental Attention

3 Signs your Pet Needs Dental Attention

Alright, so I want to start this blog off by getting everyone who has a dog or a cat to go lift up their lips and have a good look at their teeth!

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Tick Protection for your Pets
Tick Protection for your Pets

Tick Protection for your Pets

We are having a relatively warm winter in New Brunswick, which sure is a nice change from last year!
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The Story of George the Cat
The Story of George the Cat

The Story of George the Cat

This blog post hits a more personal note for me than most…

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Ten Facts About Ticks and Lyme Disease
Ten Facts to know about Ticks and Lyme Disease by Dr. Beth Martin

Ten Facts About Ticks and Lyme Disease

I figured I would center this month’s blog around ticks and Lyme disease. This is an emerging disease in the area.

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